Equis host community drop-in session at proposed Jackson North Wind Farm.

Last weekend the Equis Australia team had the pleasure to host a community drop-in session for our proposed Jackson North Wind Farm.
It was a wonderful day for the team to answer questions and share insights about how this project will coexist with the community.
Jackson North Wind Farm will have a generating capacity of up to 600MW and will provide Queensland with economic, social and environmental benefits including:
🍃 Powering up to 362,000 Queensland homes with clean energy.
👷🏽 Creating up to 366 direct jobs, comprising of 350 construction jobs and 16 operational jobs.
⚽ Funding local community benefit programs.
🌏 Support Queensland in achieving its renewable energy targets of 70% by 2032 and 80% by 2035.
Thank you to everyone who came out to Noonga Hall for your support and interest in our project!